We’ve been mumbling about it for some time now but finally our tease of a postman has obliged and they are here! The Gosh! Exclusive Bookplate Edition of Daniel Clowes’ first graphic novel in ten years Wilson now awaits you in the shop.
Wilson, for those who’ve yet to read it, is about an opinionated, divorced middle-aged loner who loves his dog and quite possibly no one else. After repeated attempts to engage with life he invariably falls back into his own pessimistic hell. According to the Comics Reporter “It's Clowes being Clowes, and Wilson all by itself makes 2010 a pretty good year for comics no matter what happens from here on out.”“I know lots of misanthropic types," said the man in the photo above (and look where he is!). "I tend to like them. I find it sort of healthy, comforting. It's a better default setting than over-optimism. But I don't think of Wilson as misanthropic. He thinks he's going to make a connection with people, that they'll be on his wavelength, and then gets frustrated when they aren't. But he doesn't go into it thinking: look at this jerk! He has a naive faith in humanity.”
“Daniel Clowes has created a monster, but a monster who refreshes our empathy for humans in all their unloveliness.”
- Michel Faber for The Guardian.The Gosh! Exclusive Wilson Bookplate Edition is limited to 200 copies, featuring a signed and numbered plate bearing the cheery face of our bearded hero. At the standard retail price of £12.99 I can’t see it hanging around for long. If you'd like to reserve one or arrange a mail order, drop us a line at info@goshlondon.com.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Wilson Bookplate Edition - Exclusive to Gosh!
Bookplate Editions
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Putting this out after the book is launched, and not with it is LAME. I'm not buying it twice.
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